Date/Location: | July 4, 2021 – Coronado, Ca – Racing Since 2011 |
Distances: | 12km |
Time: | 55:18 (PR 49:01, 2016) |
Place: | 2nd/40 |
Others: | 5K: Anna & Ariel Soares; Jan Heidt; 12K: Robin Soares |
It’s a great tradition coming to visit Robin’s folks in San Diego, watching the fireworks, and running the Crown City Classic. Robin & I in the 12k and Anna & Ariel in the 5k.
I’m behind on sleep and tired from a busy week. Also, my right heel has been bothering me a lot again. Injries and an upcoming Ironman are an anxious combination, but it definitely brings me closer to the Lord as I know He is the only one that has my future in His hands.
Recently I’ve been running with a more forward lean, and I thank the Lord that the foot has responded well. Reading my race story here the last time we ran in 2019, I see my foot was hurting and I ran slow, but I also read I ran joyfully because it was a great opportunity to show God that I can always give Him my best effort and appreciate the ability to do so.
I have no idea how I can run today, I’ll just focus on my forward form and on the Lord and see what happens.
It’s perfect temperature. The park is beautiful. Robin’s mom, Jan, is also running the 5k. We all warm up and stretch. Ariel is planning a 8:30 pace, Anna 6:30, and Robin & I don’t know.
We proudly stand for the national anthem, pray together and line up in the crowd at the start. It looks like a thousand people and everyone seems happy to be here. The RD does the “Independance Day” speech and it’s hilariously dramatic.. and on point. We look forward to hearing it each year Running in the first wave are some Olympic trialist so quite a field!
We all start in the 2nd wave, running under the giant American Flag. Anna starts in the 1st wave (trying for 6:30 pace). I’m leaning forward and trying to let my legs “fall” into position. I can still feel the sore heal intermittendly. Along the golf course fence I start to loosen up a little and feel optimism about my run. Thank you, Lord. Robin, coming off her blessed Ironman just 6 days earlier, is taking it easy behind me as her body isn’t recovered yet. Next to me is a guy running barefoot. He makes it look easy.
Mile 1. 8:04. I see Anna coming back, working hard, and smiling. I look behind and there’s Ariel! It’s great to see her pushing it to stay with me. I tell her it’s 8 min pace and she says that’s what she’s now going for. It’s really motivating to have Ariel with me. We I’m getting better at running with my new form, trying to extend my stride a little, and my pace is coming down below 8. Ariel stays with me until the 5k turn-around. “That’s 13 min, Ariel, have a great run! You can do it!”
Mile 2. 7:36. The speed bumps are a little challenging with my “forward”, lower stride. I need to combine leaning forward, extending stride, and lifting up on toes in the back to get height. It’s warm and I get water at each aid station. I’m picking it up and pass the barefoot guy. I see the Olympic trialists coming back.. and flying.

Mile 3. 7:29. I always forget how far 12k is and spend much of the race calculating it out in my head. I always expect the turn-around soon after 3 miles but it’s always farther than expected. We go far out on the Strand… finally turning around. I’m happy with how it’s going. I start eating Cliff Blocks. Thank, you, Lord, you are so good! I see Robin still going out to the turn-around and tell her “foot’s doing good thanks to God!”
Mile 4. 7:23. Pace is coming down and I keep pushing it hoping to get down to 7:30 average. I encourage others while working hard for God. The foot is feeling the same even though I’m going much faster.
Mile 5. 7:24. Continuing to pick it up. Another Clif Block. Good form. Looking forward to 2 miles to go.
Mile 6. 6:58. I figure a mile more to focus on and then I can always do whatever is left. There’s a girl just ahead I’m trying to stay with now. Water at aid stations. Speed bumps. Legs getting tired and sore.
Mile 7. 6:51. The girl near me is picking it up and I try to stay with her. The footing is tough running in the banked drainage path. I really have to focus on form to not hurt my foot. Under the bridge, into the park, and by the Asian drum players which really sounds good. “Hi Mom!” I go by Jan, looking good finishing the 5k. And there’s Anna & Ariel cheering me into the file turn onto the grass. I smile and thank God. The girl and I are side-by-side as we try to sprint across the grass. It was an accomplishment to stay with her.
Again, I’m so thankful for what the Lord does for me when I have no idea how I would do it alone. Good things are always just around the corner. Robin finished without feeling too bad. Amazed at how tough and appreciative she is. She is inspiring.
(12 k, 55:18, 7:21 pace, 2nd place)