Thursday, November 25, 2021

Run to Stock the Closet 5K–Anna-2021

11/25/21, Auburn, CA

23:00 (Unofficial)





10K: Dillon Holloway, Jim Kepfer, Robin Soares

5K: Ariel Soares, , Jesse Redding, Micah Redding & MANY OTHER AUBURN FRIENDS

I show up to the Turkey Trot excited to run. I’m not going to fully be racing it because I have my cross country state meet coming up in 2 days. I see my friend Jessie who I invited to run with me. We hang out and get ready to run. I head over to the start and my dad tells me to stay with him during the run to get a good pace. He is doing the 10k while I’m doing the 5k. Ready, Set, Go!

We take off running up through downtown. I enjoy the sites while making sure the top runners, including my friend, don’t go the wrong way. We hit the first hard hill which makes me work hard. At the top, the top runners start to head the wrong way. Dad and I quickly tell them the right way to go. The signs are a little confusing, but once we run for a while everyone understands them. We run around Placer school heading out to the main road. Jessie's sister is running in front of us. She is doing a great pace and is fun to run with. We start to head over to Overlook and Railhead park. I’m starting to feel a little tired but overall it feels like a good pace. Around Railhead park I see some remote control planes in the air. I enjoy watching them as I run. We get to a down hill leading us towards the railroad tracks. As we cross the railroad tracks I remember last year when I ran with my dad. It used to be really hard but now I can stay up with him. It’s nice to run and talk with him, while racing. We run past 7-11, my cross country coach’s favorite store, and continue towards downtown, the finish line. We start to pick up the pace a little bit as we near the finish line. I’m starting to feel tired, and I hope I don’t feel this in my cross country state race coming up. We get close to the finish and start to go up our last hill. This definitely hurts, but at least it’s the last hill. I remember back to when my dad told Jessie’s sister that the hill by Railhead was the last hill. Hopefully this doesn't hurt her much. I push to the top of the hill and run down to downtown. I push ahead of dad and finish in the square. I never seem to finish in the right spot beacuse it is an unofficial race. My dad continues to run a second lap to do the 10k.

I see that Jessie has finished ahead of me and got 1st place. I also find out I got second place, which is a surprise. Jessie’s sister gets 3rd behind me. After we take a picture Jessie feels like she still has energy left and goes out for another lap for fun. She is very fast. My sister finishes running strong and eventually my dad and mom finish. It was a great Turkey Race and God thankfully kepted my hip and ankle strong.

Praise the Lord for He Is Good, His Love Endures Forever.

May be an image of 4 people, people standing, christmas tree and outdoors