Date/Location: | January 1, 2012 - Auburn, CA |
Distance: | Robin Bike: 25miles; Anna Run: 5K |
Times: | Bike Climbs - 17:13 & 4:01 5K - 50:50 |
Place: | 1st Relay! |
Teammates | SNYC: Bob Funk, Bryan Hackett, Dave Campbell, David Malicoat, Jessica Bonner, John Doolittle, Karen Nichol, Kayden Kelly, Lance Loveday, Michael Cook, Nicki ?; Others: Christine Kelly, Mo Bartley |
We wake up to a beautiful day! Thanks Lord! Considering we were biking in the cold rain last year, this is purely delightful! I get to our meeting place, the Overlook, first. Karen Nichol and her friend Nicki show up first. I just met Karen and her kiddos at the playground just a few days before. It's so exciting to have more women out here to compete along with Jessica Bonner and myself! Troy shows up with Bob Funk who he just bumped into and talked into doing this event...nice! Once most of the gang is here, the girls and I start out to get a head start on the "warm-up" part of the ride.
We meander through Newcastle, come up steep Glenview, and fly down Hwy 49 to the confluence. Troy and part of the group comes along and soon the fast dudes (Kayden, Lance & Michael) pull up. Lance got a flat and was able to swing by home and fix it right up. After Troy reviews the start times, he reminds us that the age grading is in place and can change things fast!
Climb #1: The girls and I line up. I signal Troy and count down to the start. As I roll out, I feel pretty good! I'm wonder though if I have enough training in the tank to sustain me. I sacrificed a week and a half of bike training while I was working on a video for my Dad's 80th birthday party. We'll see. I hope to make it to the halfway point before any of the guys catch me.
In the first mile, I have a small lead on Jessica. I can tell she's pushing it hard so I cannot let up. I still feel really good surprisingly. Thanks Lord for letting my legs feel so good! After I reach the halfway point, I see no boys! What?! Where are they? Did they get a late start?
I reach the flat, fast part and take advantage. I push hard and get a good momentum going. As the road curves and I can see the road behind me, there is no one in sight. Wow, that's a surprise. I'm tempted to rest up but I know I need to keep riding hard as if people are right on my wheel.
I see the sign for the stop sign and push hard to the top! 17:13! I think that's a pretty big personal record (19:?? previous best). I'm so tired that I find myself riding in the middle of the Foresthill Rd. Oops! Thanks God for keeping the road clear! That could have been bad. As the others finish, I try to make sure they don't make the same mistake in their fatigue. There are lots of records, our event and personal ones, being broken today! Jessica had an amazing improvement and only finished seconds behind!! Lance and Michael were neck and neck the whole way to the last bit. Bryan, Kayden and Troy were not too far behind and did great! David Malicoat and Karen finished seconds apart. And Bob and Nicki also made great efforts.
Climb #2: We ride over to Foresthill Bridge. Construction has closed one side of the bridge making all the car traffic squeeze on one side. Kayden suggests that we ride across single file in the order we finished (without the ability to use our excel spreadsheet on our phone, we don't know the current placing). This way we'll have strength in numbers with the cars. The race "starts" as each of our wheels cross the bridge to the Auburn side. I like it!
With the bridge clear from behind for a moment, we all head out. It's so cool to be in the company of all these great cyclists. We definitely are creating a great buffer for each other! As we cross, it begins. I feel like I can fly! I pass up Bryan and it seems as if I'll glide right up to the rest of the guys! Then reality sets in and those guys float away big time! Boy, I must have lost air to the brain! To think I could've caught those guys! Bryan comes up and passes. "Go Bryan, you've got it!". I have been humbled! I give what I can even though the wheels are coming off! I finish and thank the Lord for His protection and for the abilities He's given me. It's been a great ride! I have no complaints! I cheer on the rest of the group as they push hard to the top. Everyone has given a great effort! Now it's time for part 2!!
Robin & Anna, Event #2, Resolution Run 5K
This is Anna's 2nd 5K and on the same course. Last time she was at 4 years old running/walking with Daddy. They did a 56:13 so we think she will be able to beat that by quite a bit at 6 years old and with a lot more running experience. Either way, we hope it to be fun for her!
I find myself frantically trying to get ready for the race and get my equipment in order. This is not a good way to start the day and it's not a good example to others around me, especially Anna. I fail to focus on the fact that Anna has downed a juice box and a bunch of food at the athlete food table. I don't think it's a big deal because she's young and can "handle anything" right?
We line up with a few minutes before the start and Anna tells me she has to go potty. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I am frustrated yet it's really my fault for not asking her sooner. The race director is looking to start the race now. What to do? The race director announces that the race will be delayed 5 minutes. Wow, thanks God! That sure helps a whole lot! It gives me a moment to re-group and apologize to God, Troy and Anna for my attitude. Racing is not about me but glorifying Him...and that includes the pre-race attitude! Troy and I help Anna find a "potty" and we make sure she's got her shoes tied and all that. Phew, I feel like all is good. Jesus, I am humbled and thankful for You loving me despite my selfishness!
Anna wants to start in the front and I encourage her to move back. With the great weather today, there are more people to look out for so I want to be a bit cautious. The first mile is all downhill, and a lot of that steep, so I expect to be pulling back the reins so Anna won't go too fast.
Okay, it's go time! Anna takes off fast but within 100 yards she's slowing down and holding her shoulder. "It hurts Mommy!" I wonder what's going on. Could it be a cramp? I encourage her to keep running even if it is slow. Now we are descending into the canyon and she sees her friends, Dash, Devon and Mason cheering on the sidelines. She gives Dash a high five and takes off in a flash down the hill. Wow, look at her go! It's not long before she's walking and whining about her shoulder. After seeing her take off when inspired by friends, I wonder if she might be exaggerating. I ask her if she wants to quit and go back to the start. As soon as she hears the word quit, she tells me earnestly she wants to keep going.
We start up again and now she's holding her side. Yep, it's a cramp. I should have curbed all that drinking and eating. Running on a full tummy.. ouch. A nice lady from behind tells her to breath in deeply. I encourage her to keep doing this. There is a smaller kid right in front of us and I know there are other kids around her age further up too so I use these "carrots" to distract her. I also say we need to keep going so Daddy won't catch us. Lord, please help her get through this pain. Please take it away.
Mile 1 is 14:31. She can run a 10 minute mile on the flats so this cramp is really cramping her style! Now we start to climb. We pass the little boy. I encourage her to catch up to a bull dog up ahead. The hill gets steep so we walk a few and then run a few. Eventually we catch the dog doing this pattern. We make it up to the top and see the aid station. She loves this part. She grabs a cup, drinks a bit and pours the rest on her head. It's actually feeling really warm and I ask her if she wants me to pour some water in our bottle on her and she agrees. Ah, that's more like it! I can see some of her spark coming back.
Mile 2 is 17:03. It can only get better from here! Anna is complaining less and less about the pain. I tell her we have 4 laps on the track to go and she perks up more. Those kids I told her about are coming into view. One by one we catch up to them. Anna tells them good job as she passes and that makes me the most proud. We run into some pretty steep parts and she keeps trudging up. She's really enjoying herself. Thanks God for helping her feel better! The 10Kers are catching up to us now so we have to pull over to let them pass.
"Okay Anna, one lap to go on the track! Daddy cannot catch up to us now!" I can see her physically gearing herself up to go and she talks excitedly about crossing the finish line with Ariel. We pass another kid as we start climbing out of canyon and into the parking lot around the corner from the finish line. Mile 3 is 15:47. "Come on Anna, Ariel is waiting!" She picks it up and calls out Ariel's name. Ariel is busy getting her hair done and it takes a few moments for her to realize that Anna wants to finish with her. Anna waits patiently and triumphantly finishes with Ariel. That is super cool! Thanks Jesus!
Final Results (Run Results Below)

Run Results
Name | Race | Age Group | Place | Time |
Anna Soares | 5K | F1-9 | 5 | 50:50 |
Lance Loveday | 10K | M40-49 | 5 | 56:14 |
Kayden Kelly | 10K | M30-39 | 5 | 57:20 |
Michael Cook | 10Mile | M40-49 | 2 | 1:09:08 |
Dave Campbell | 10Mile | M50-59 | 2 | 1:11:21 |
Bryan Hacker | 10Mile | M40-49 | 3 | 1:12:25 |
Troy Soares | 10Mile | M40-49 | 8 | 1:18:48 |
Mo Bartley | 10Mile | F50-59 | 1 | 1:19:02 |
John Doolittle | 10Mile | M40-49 | 18 | 1:30:17 |
Karen Nickel | 10Mile | F30-39 | 8 | 1:36:05 |
Christine Kelly | 10Mile | F30-39 | 15 | 1:59:35 |