Saturday, March 31, 2012

Davis Stampede Kid’s Race (1 mile) Ariel

Anna is closer to the front.  I’m farther back with mommy and daddy.  But I tell mommy not to run with me, but to take pictures.

I hear, “Go!” and the kids are running.  I was running.  Mommy was running with me.  I stopped.  My leg was hurting.  And I kept running towards the finish.  Then I had to go potty, but mommy said, “Keep running”.

Kids go past me.  The boys catch me but the girls didn’t.

I’m almost done.  I see Anna.  I’m running fast but Anna caught me.  She ran with me.  I finished and got a medal.  My leg was hurting a little, but when I got home, it stopped hurting.  Daddy said I did the race in 12-1/2 minutes.

It was a good day.  It was a happy day.  When you’re happy you smile like this.  When it’s a bad day, you’re crying.