Saturday, January 26, 2019

Happy Kid’s Du #1–Ariel–2019

Date/Location: 1/26/19, Granite Bay
Distance: 1mi R – 3miB – 1mi R
Time: Ariel: 29:58 PR! (Previous 31:53)
Place: Ariel: 2nd, 9 & 10 Year Old Girls

10, 9, 8, …., 3, 2, 1, GO! I start running up the hill. There are girls in front of me and each time I put a goal on one of them they start getting farther and farther away. I turn on to a trail. I’m trying to pass a boy in front of me before the trail gets smaller. The trail is getting smaller and smaller. I cannot pass him yet. I sprint right pass him. It’s starting getting muddier and muddier. There is a little bridge to get over a mud puddle that is made out of logs and then up the hill. I turn on to a sandy trail. There is a big puddle and the fastest way around it is to jump on the edge of the puddle or you can take to time to go around it. I choose to jump! I keep running. Then I got to a really, really sandy place. It is hard to get through. I go down a hill and then up a hill. I see Mommy and Daddy cheering me on. I’m almost to the finish of the 1st run. I come around the corner and see the transition. I run into transition. I put on my coat and take a sip from my bottle and head out of transition.


I start biking up the hill. I’m trying to pass people. A boy passes me so I try passing him back. Trying to pass him is helping me pass other kids. I keep chasing him. I see a little boy in front of me so I start trying to pass him. I go up and down finally we get to a steep small hill. I pass him on the hill but he passes me back. I go really fast and then pass him. The other boy is still in front of me. I keep trying to pass him but he’s going really fast. we pass a girl and I think her brother that look my age. Then I sprint hard and pass the boy. I zoom down the hill into transition.

The 2nd Run

I run out of transition and up the hill again. I go up the hill and turn on to a trail. The trail is getting smaller and smaller. The girl and the boy I saw earlier are right behind me. It’s getting muddier and muddier. They pass me. I try to catch up to them but they’re fast. There is the little bridge to get over a mud puddle that is made out of logs and then I go up the hill. I turn on to the sandy trail. There is the big muddy puddle and I jump again. I keep running. I get to the really, really sandy spot which I do not like. I go down the hill and then up the hill. I see Mommy and Daddy again cheering me on. I’m almost to the finish. I go around the corner and there is the finish line. I sprint to the finish line. I got 2nd place.IMG_20190126_083002088_HDRIMG_20190126_083005675_HDRIMG_20190126_083845333IMG_20190126_085127066_HDR - CopyIMG_20190126_085855859IMG_20190126_095642408

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

FCA New Year’s Day Challenge–Robin, 2019


1/1/19 –

PART 1: Bike- Auburn, Overlook Park

PART 2: Resolution Run -Auburn, Overlook Park


Hill Climb #1 – 3m Old Foresthill Rd
Hill Climb #2 - 1.2m Raley's Hill
Resolution Run - 10m Trails


Hill Climb #1 – 21:00 (PR 16:48, 2014)
Hill Climb #2 – 6:55 (PR 5:52, 2014)
Run 1: 1:27:58 (PR 1:16:04, 2011)


Only 1 woman. Hill Climb #1
Only 1 woman. Hill Climb #2
1st (W40-49) Run


Hill Climb: Dan Darby, Troy Soares
10Mile: Anna Soares, Carolyn Goulding, Elizabeth, Katsura, Jesse Ellis, Manouch Shirvanioun,
5K: Ariel Soares, Caryn Galeckas, Debbie Booth, Emerson Booth, Leah Booth, Suzanne Hartley , john/


This year it is hard to wake up and get excited.  I’ve been discouraged that I haven’t been able to train as I’d like.  Also feeling overwhelmed and behind mananging things at home.  I know that the Lord wants to me to continue to try to stick to my goals and committments to bring HIm glory.  All that I do really should be for Him and not myself.  With that mindset as a goal, I get out the door and leave it all up to Him! 

Troy and I bike to the Overlook and no one is there.  In a way I’m disappointed but trusting that He has a reason…and it just might be to follow through on my committment.  Like the image of a man pushing a rock and going nowhere, I might not be doing anything but getting stronger. 

We do our normal warm-up ride.  Troy rides the “men’s loop” (a few extra miles) which evens things out.  As I’m about to turn on Glenview I see a cyclist waitng.  It’s Dan Darby from the track!  He was also the only rider who showed up last year, too.  So great to have him join us!  As Dan and I head up the road, Troy catches up with us and we all ride together over to Hwy 49 and down to the Confluence.  Dan tells me that he was wavering on whether to come or not but remembered how good he felt last year once he was done with the ride.


We line up.  Dan is first, then myself 2.5 min later and then Troy 1.5 min after me.  Ready, go!  Right away, I have difficultly getting my feet locked into my pedals.  Once I get going, there is discomfort throughout my whole body.  I start to complain in my head that this is a bad idea and I question why I’m out here.  I feel the Lord reminding me to just keep trying, to just continue to push through all that. 

As I turn the first big corner, I can see Dan way up the hill already.  I look back and so far no Troy.  I hope to beat him to the entrance of the Mammoth Bar Park.  A few minutes later I look back and see Troy!  Ok, don’t give up.  Having Troy there actually gets me more motivated to push.  Last year I made it up in 21:06.  It would be great if I can keep it under 23 minutes this time.

I’m getting closer to Mammoth Bar and Troy is getting closer to me!  I dig deep and make it!  Yay!  As Troy goes by, I try to stay on his wheel.  The hill is steep here and I cannot hold on.  He pulls away.  I gave my road bike to Anna so all I have to ride is my tri bike.  It’s tough to climb with a tri bike but the flats are amazing with aerobars!  As soon  as the road flattens out, I get into my aerobars.  I actually am able to get a little closer to Troy and keep him from pulling away. 

The road climbs again.  My legs are feeling better.  I am able to push without my legs screaming.  I look at my timer and am surprised.  I actually might get 21 mins or faster!  Wow, Lord, that is a gift!

I haven’t seen Dan at all so he must be having an amazing day, too…so happy for him!

I go around a turn and no longer can see Troy.  I push hard knowing the end is close.  Soon I see a sign for the upcoming stop sign - my finish line.  I see Troy biking back cheering me on and telling me to dig deep. I’m going to break 21 min!  I cross the line at 21 flat…5 sec faster than last year!  I’ll take it!


At the bridge, we line up in the order that we finished earlier: Troy, Dan and myself.  I tell them a fun challenge is to count off the 6 signs towards the top of the hill.  Ready, set, go!  We paceline across the bridge.  I’m waiting to start my watch until we cross the bridge because that’s where the climb starts.  At the end of the bridge Troy takes off with Dan right behind.  Halfway up the hill Troy has pulled away and Dan is still ahead. 

I’m almost to the first of the 6 signs.  Dan is getting closer.  I decide to start making a move at the first sign.  At the first sign I start thinking of the Rocky song, Eye of the Tiger.  I imagine my knees punching the air with the beat…something Troy and I made up together on a ride a few months ago.  It helps and I’m gaining ground at every sign.  By the fourth sign I’m able to pass Dan and push to the finish.  My time is at 5 min!  I think it’s a PR but Troy reminds me that the clock starts at the beginning of the bridge, not the end.  Bummer!  It’s a 6:55 about 30 sec slower than last year.  No bother, I’m glad to be done and very pleasantly surprised with my effort!  Thanking the Lord for this nice gift!  Undeserved and so appreciated!

We all bike back to the Overlook Park where we say our goodbyes and head home.  Time to get home and get ready for the Resolution Run and pick up the kids!


We get to the Overlook Park, pick up our packets and say hi to lots of folks like Jesse Ellis who has come out from Arizona. Caryn Galeckas and Suzanne Hartley our FCA teammates are here, too!  We also have our track friends the Booth family, Elizabeth Katsura and Carolyn Goulding. 

I’m feeling nervous and fighting the selfish temptation to focus on myself.  In 2019, my goal is to be more joyful and more focused on others as Jesus desires me to be.  Only with Him will that be possible.  I hope to run around last year’s time and pace of 9:18.  Leaving it in His hands!

Troy, Anna and I line up together.  Anna is joining Troy and I in the 10 mile.  After careful consideration we agreed to let her join us.  She and Troy have a plan for her to go around a 10 min pace average.  Troy is going around 8 min pace and I’ll be hopefully around 9 min pace.  Wondering if it will be tough for Anna to run her own pace, or want to stay with Troy or I.  She’s faster than me now for sure at the 10K and under.

imageReady, set, go!  Troy and Anna pull ahead at the start.  Soon Anna settles in right next to me.  I tell her it’s ok to get ahead of pace on the downhills because of the coming uphills.  Manouch Shirvanioun comes alongside and we start chatting about getting an off-season kids swim workout going once a week. 

Mile 1. 7:51.  Anna starts to settle back and is behind me.  After running downhill, it flattens out for a bit.  I look back and still see Anna.  I start thinking about whether she has something to eat.  I’ve treated this race so casually that I forgot to think about Anna’s needs.  I look back and ask “do you have some nutrition?” She says yes. Good!  Thank you Lord!  I tell her I love her and continue on. 

Mile 2. 7:38.  My favorite part is coming up, the Cardiac By-Pass Trail.  It’s rocky and a tough climb but for some reason it’s fun…maybe it’s because it’s the just the beginning of the race.  I feel like I’m flying up.

I finish the climb and make it to the flat.  I’m at Mile 3 and at 9:10 pace.  I see Carolyn coming down.  We give each other a high five.  I don’t see Anna but am sure she’s doing well up that hill.

Mile 4. 8:20.  So far I’m staying under 9 min pace!  I still feel good…for now.  I head towards the paved “Dam Road” and am about to merge with the 5K racers who started a few minutes ago.  I see Debbie Booth coming and we join up and chat for a bit on the downhill.  I figure Ariel is somewhere behind.  I hope she’s feeling good!  Down, down, down we go.  I see an Aid Station, yay!  I’m thirsty.  As I get closer I notice there are no cups.  Oops!  I forgot this is a cupless race!  Poor Anna, I didn’t have her carry water.  I hope she’ll be ok.  I’ll have to tell her on the out-n-back to ask the next aid station to pour water in her mouth.  As a mom, I can stress over this but I pray and ask the Lord to help and I feel at peace.

Mile 5. 7:38. after that downhill.  Now it’s up and up for a bit.  I feel great on this climb too and feel like I’m flying.  Thank you Lord, this is a treat!

The 5K racers turn left at the top of the hill and continue to climb up.  I get to go right and enjoy some flat.  I’m catching up to some 10Kers who are also going right.  Soon, I notice the fast 10kers heading back.  I see Enzo, Anna’s CIM relay teammate.  I cheer and give him a high 5K.  Anna’s other teammate Hunter comes by soon and I encourage him to go for Enzo.  He tells me he’s in pain but couldn’t make out what’s wrong. 

imageMile 6. 9:17.  I’m almost at the out-n-back section and hope to see Troy.  Soon I see him and smile.  I tell him I forgot about the cupless thing and he did too.  I tell him to tell Anna to get water poured into her mouth.  I tell him good job and head out to the green gate.  Wondering if the turn-around really is all the way to the gate.  I’ll get to see Anna and find out how she’s doing.  I pray that she’ll be feeling good!  I take a few Clif Bloks.

Mile 7. 8:44.  I’m starting to feel like I’m loosing energy.  I hope those Clif Bloks kick in!  I’m grateful that I’ve felt this stong up to this point.  I know I’ll make it back.  I see about 5 girls heading back…one about my age and the others about high school age.

I climb up to the green gate and see the turn-around point.  Phew!  I head back and look for Anna.  I tell the Lord I’m willing to stop my race and help Anna if she’s struggling.  I might be in 1st or 2nd place and am willing to give that up.  I turn a corner and see Anna smiling!  Yay!  She’s feeling good and got the word from Dad about the water idea.  Thank you Lord!  What an answer to prayer!

Mile 8. 8:42.  My energy is back as I start the Robie Point climb.  Again, I feel strong and feel like I’m flying up the hill!  Wow, wow…just amazed at God’s amazing grace!

I’m catching up to the 5K and 10k racers and the trail is getting narrow.  This is going to be challenging to pass!

Mile 9. 9:11.  I’m feeling amazing!  I am saying “on your left please…good job” nicely.  Pretty soon it’s “on your left if possible, please…great job”.  Most folks have no problem but I sense that some are getting annoyed.  I try to stay joyful despite the reaction. 

Almost done!  Finally, I climb the last hill out of the canyon.  Oh man, feeling really tough.  I hear Troy cheering and look up and see Troy and Ariel.  What a nice sight! 

Mile 10. 10:32. I climb up to the parking lot.  I pass a cute little girl and her Dad (which is John from our track workout I found out later) and cheer them on.  I make it to the parking lot and try to pick it up the finish.  I cross the line!  Yay!  I ran 8:43 pace and it felt great!  Thank you Jesus!!

imageI run back to see Anna in with Troy, Ariel, Caryn and Suzanne.

FCA New Year’s Day Challenge–Troy, 2019


1/1/19 –

PART 1: Bike- Auburn, Overlook Park

PART 2: Resolution Run -Auburn, Overlook Park


Hill Climb #1 – 3m Old Foresthill Rd
Hill Climb #2 - 1.2m Raley's Hill
Resolution Run - 10m Trails


Hill Climb #1 – 18:00 (PR 15:17, 2014)
Hill Climb #2 – 6:16 (PR 5:20, 2014)
Run 1: 1:27:58


1st Hill Climb #1
1st Hill Climb #2
2nd Run


Hill Climb: Dan Darby, Robin Soares
10Mile: Anna Soares, Carolyn Goulding, Elizabeth Katsura, Jesse Ellis, Manouch Shirvanioun
5K: Ariel Soares, Caryn Galeckas, Debbie Booth, Emerson Booth, Leah Booth, Suzanne Hartley

Our yearly tradition of bike hill climbs and running on New Years’ Day. It began as a way of starting the year out with some motivating accomplishments.  And it’s always better with friends.  This year, however, no one has said they’re definitely coming, so Robin and I bike to the Overlook Park knowing that it may just be us.  That’s ok, it’ll still be an accomplishment to push ourselves for God’s glory.  Robin prays for our day.  I’m a little nervous about how tough the climbs and trail run will be, but I’m committed to the Lord to have a good attitude.  Good effort, good attitude, and looking to God through it all.  That’s the plan and I’m excited now to get started.


I fly down Auburn Folsom, new bike jacket breaking the chilly air, and I’m surprised to see Robin so close behind.. she’s really descending well!  She heads onto Powerhouse Rd and I continue to Newcastle – the regular split for men and women on this ride.  I plan to meet her on Indian Hill, but seeing how strong she’s riding, that’s going to be hard to do.  I try to push the loop, although also not wanting to tire myself out before the real climbs.  On Glenview I’m happy to see Robin up the road, and with someone else, too.  Could it be we have antoher participant?  Sure enough, it’s Dan from the track who joined us last year as well!  We all push up the steep section together (this is the warm-up for the real climbs).  I give a steady push and get to the top breathing pretty hard and take off my jacket as Dan and Robin continue on.  We cruise through quiet downtown Aurburn, checking out the cute stores, and prepare to descend Hwy 49 (I put my jacket back on).  Robin first, then Dan and myself.  Dad doesn’t like descents so takes it pretty cautious and I’m happy to stay back and call out cars that are passing. 

At the bottom we line up according to last year’s times (Dan 24:24, Robin 21:05, Troy 18:24).  Dan seems pretty upbeat about the climb and takes off first.  Robin, always the competitor, starts the chase 2min later.  I use the bathroom quickly and then take off 1-1/2 min later.  I stand for the first section – it always feels so tough!  But after .5 mile I start to get into a better groove.  I can see Robin not far ahead so I think I may have started too early.  Usually we cross 2/3 to the top but it looks like I might catch her 1/2 way.  I keep pushing hard and she’s looking back and pushing just as hard.  She’s really keeping ahead!  I finally catch her after Mammoth Park and keep the pressure on.  it was nice last year when I passed her farther up right before the flat section – she surged and got on my wheel which was a really smart tactic.  But this time, still on the steep part, blocking the wind doesn’t give an advantage and I pull ahead significantly.  As I try to “time-trial” across the flat section.. my legs burning.. I look back and am surprised to see Robin not that far back.  She’s on her tri bike which is a disadvantage climbing but really proving beneficial on the flats and downhills!  The biggest surprise is that I haven’t seen Dan at all!  Last year I passed him early on (he had admitted to enjoying the sights so much he forgot to push hard).  Early on I saw somone towards the top but when I passed them it turned out to be a mtn biker.  I’m coming around the final corners, a glance at my time shows I might be able to beat last year’s!  I stand and sprint to the stop sign, at the same time noticing Dan waiting at the top cheering me on.  Yay!  Done, in 18:00, faster than last year.  Thank you, Lord!  I’m really happy for Dan to hear he did it in 20:42, almost a 4min improvement!  He was so surprised himself that at first he told us his computer must have stopped and the time was wrong.  Robin finished a minute behind me in 21:00, a slight eclipse of last year’s time.

We take a picture and then coast down to the Foresthill Bridge.

Before the Foresthill Bridge, we line up again ready to beat last year’s times (Dan 7:41, Robin 7:09, Troy 7:06).  I lead the paceline followed by Dan then Robin.  We cover the span at about 21-22 mph and then shift gears and start the climb up Raley Hill.  Robin pointed out there are 6 signs towards the top of the hill which you can count off.  This helps pass the grueling time.  I count down 6, 5, 4, 3.. as I pass the signs getting closer to the finish.  After the last one I stand and sprint.  Yes! Done. 6:16, faster than last year.  I catch my breath in time to go back and see Robin finish in 6:55 with Dan 10 secs behind in 7:05.  Everyone improved!  Now we cruise home happy and get ready for the run part!



The whole family fuels up, stretches, and grabs warm clothes.  It’s perfectly clear and calm and about 50 degrees.  Not bad, just a little chilly.  Wow!  We’re at the Overlook Park early and there is already a line forming.  Soon there are 700 people ready to run!  The race is sold out.  We see a bunch of friends here.  Elizabeth from the track is doing the 10 mi for the first time.  Suzanne & Caryn are here from CEM and we quickly take the opportunity to huddle up with them and pray for the race and the way we race it.  I’m really excited and want to represent the Lord out there today.  Anna is doing the 10mi for the first time and Ariel is trying to break her PR here.

imageStart. The 200 runner mass moves out, everyone seems excited and happy. Turning onto the path, we see Dan from our morning bike ride, “Hi Dan!”  Heading down the steep Dam Rd., I look back and see Robin and then Anna, all sticking to our plans of about 8min, 9min, and 10min paces.  I talk to a couple runners, tell them about the course.  Looks like 2 runners from the Sierra College women’s XC team.  There’s about 5 women ahead of me.  Up the Dam Connector Rd and then down the Dam Overlook Rd, my favorite path.

Mile 1 7:07.  Good pace. Mostly down.  A boy, about 13, is up ahead with a Camelbak pack.  I pass one of the Sierra College girls and catch up to another woman.  I ask her if she thinks we’ll catch the kid and she confidently says, “No”.  I was impressed last year seeing the boy finish the tough 10 miler.  He’s about Anna’s age.  Maybe she can keep up with him next year after getting the first one under her belt.  The long China Bar Rd downhill.  I’m enjoying it all, especially the other runners that make it possible for all of us to push each other.

Mile 2 6:45. Easy so far, but that will change soon..  We turn left onto the Cardiac Bypass Trail which is seriously rocky.  I focus on form, anticipating each step and staying light on my feet.   I pass a couple more runners and now am about 13th place.  I tell someone how happy we’re going to feel to get to the top.  Indeed it does feel great to get that climb behind us.  On the flat of the Dam Overlook Rd, I pass the 2nd woman.  She’s really breathing hard.

Mile 3 8:19. Pretty good for a bit of climbing, thank you, Lord, for helping me keep a good pace.  I count the runners far ahead going by the Overlook but not sure if I see them all.  I’m looking forward to getting some water but there isn’t an aid station at the top.

Mile 4 7:40. Good pace. Down the connector road I see Lauren from the track and he tells me I’m 11th.  Bobby, a well known Sacramento masters, and the lead woman are not far ahead of me.  I get to the steep Dam Rd descent and do my best to be efficient and use my long legs to my advantage.  The woman is also a good descender.  I make one more push on the next descent and pass her.  At the aid station I see there are no cups.  So that’s why people have Camelbaks!  It’s a cupless race.  They let me chug it and I hold the pitcher carefully to pour into my mouth.  The lead woman and Bobby are ahead of me again but it was important to get water.

Mile 5 6:52.  The descending is over and tough climbing ahead.  I pass the lead woman but she passes me on the steep climb. After the top, I pass her and Bobby and try to maintain 9th place now that it’s fairly flat.  There are beautiful views of the canyon and I’m appreciating how great this course is.

imageMile 6 8:51. Around Robie Pt. Great views continue.  I’m hoping to see the lead runners coming back if I can get to the intersection fast enough.  I see 10k runners coming back and then I see 2 men going really fast.  That’s probably them.  The end of the fire-road is the green gate but it seems to take forever.  I look forward to the slight downhill after the turn.

Mile 7 8:06.  Good pace. I make the turn in 9th place still but am surprised to see a man, the lead woman I had passed and another runner close behind me.  No relaxing, I’ve got to push these final 3 miles.  I can do it thanks to the Lord.  I really excited to see my wife, Robin, soon.  She’s really been a big reason I’ve had good races over the years.  She not only reminds me to give each race to God but also brings enthusiasm about training and racing to our whole family.  She loves the sport.  I hope her prayer for today, to feel joy throughout, has been answered.  And there she is!  “God is with you, my love!”  Her big smile answers my question and I know she’s having a good race.  And then I see Anna, right at the intersection to head up to Robie parking lot.  Perfect timing!  “Hi, Dad, I got to see my friends, Enzo and Hunter in the 10k!”  I’m so glad she’s having a good time. Proud of her.

Mile 8 7:54.  I’m tired now.  Robie parking lot is high above. The path is a little slick.  10th place passes me.  I encourage him and don’t lose hope but keep pressing.  The woman also passes near the top.  Over the top I go into a “controlled fall” down the steep trail and am able to pass them both back.  It’s exciting but there’s still 2 miles to go.  The guy stays right on my heals and appears very strong.  Part of me wants to say, “just let him go” but I know God wants me to give my best effort and not give up… the outcome is up to Him.  The single-track trail has a lot of 5k, 10k runners so I call “on your left” a lot.  The guy behind me seems calm and polite as he does the same.  I like this guy.. but I must still try to win.

Mile 9 8:15.  Very good.  The 2 hardest sections coming up.  I do well, but I’m really fatigued.  A lot of passing slower runners and the guy is hanging on.  With a 1/2 mi to go, he goes by.  I tell him good job, without giving any effort up.  But it’s legit, he’s stronger and pulls ahead.  I’m glad I never gave up, he is just faster.  With the finish coming into sight, my friend, Suzanne, in the 10k is ahead and runs with me which gets me going faster which I appreciate.  The other guy is far ahead but I still need to give it all I’ve got.

Mile 10 9:47. After a few steep steps up to the parking lot, I finish, thank you, Lord, for giving me a better race than expected and giving me a happiness throughout!  Now to look for Robin, Anna and Caryn finishing..

Resolution Run 5K–Ariel, 2019


1/1/19 –  Resolution Run: Auburn, Overlook Park


5K Trails


33:25 PR!! (Last PR 37:13, 2017)


3rd, W10-19


10Mile: Anna Soares, Carolyn Goulding, Elizabeth Katsura, Kim McCool, Jesse Ellis, Manouch Shirvanioun
10K: Enzo Gallo, Hunter Glass
5K: Andrea & Ashley Glass, Carrie Warda, Caryn Galeckas, Debbie Booth, Emerson Booth, Helen Martin, Leah Booth, Robin Silski, Seely Fam (John & Ardelle, kids), Suzanne Hartley


10, 9, …., 3, 2, 1, Go! I start running as soon as I get out the parking lot, I start going downhill then we turn and start going down again. It’s steep and I want to go slower but then I remember that dad said that people will slow down on the down hills because they’ll use it as a break and should use it as a way to catch up and improve my time. That’s why I go faster. I hear some people say they wanted to go slow so they won’t fall.

4047-03-764-(ZF-5769-10296-1-004)Then we turn on a road and it feels like it goes straight down. I see mommy running down from another place. I start running faster so I could catch up to her. I am getting closer and closer. As I was passing an older man, he says “I’m going to be tired tomorrow but your not going to be tired” (later he told me he was 70 years old). I start up the hill and the older man passes me. Mommy is getting farther and farther away. There is a photographer and he takes my picture.

The first part of the hill is ok and then it gets harder and harder to climb. A lady says “look at her go”. Finally, I pass that part of the hill and am starting up the next part of the hill. It goes up and then down and then bigger up and then a little downhill. I see some people and one person with a camera as I got closer, I see it is Leah’s dad. He says “go Ariel, good job Ariel”. I hear a lot of people behind me so I look behind me and see Enzo running. I am surprised to see Enzo not with Hunter because before the race they said they where going to run together. When Enzo gets closer, I asked him where Hunter was and he said he pulled something and told him to run ahead.

I was running and it is getting harder for me. I hear someone say “good job don’t let me pass you”. I have to know who was saying that but cannot figure it out. It sounds like my first grade teacher Mrs. Quail. I try to see who it is but I can’t.

I can see the hill to the finish line. The hill is steep but the girl says “light feet you can do it”. I get up the hill and start going faster. I see an arrow and I sprint down down the straight away. I see Leah and her family are cheering me on. I finish as the 5th girl over all. I say good job to the girl that helped me and thank you. She said that I helped her and she said she cheered me on because if I could do it she could do it.

Resolution Run 10 Mile–Anna, 2019


1/1/19 –  Resolution Run: Auburn, Overlook Park


10m Trails


1:34:15, First 10 Mile Race Ever!


3rd, W10-19


Hill Climb: Dan Darby, Troy Soares
10Mile: Anna Soares, Carolyn Goulding, Elizabeth Katsura, Kim McCool, Jesse Ellis, Manouch Shirvanioun,
10K: Enzo Gallo, Hunter Glass
5K: Andrea & Ashley Glass, Ariel Soares, Carrie Warda, Caryn Galeckas, Debbie Booth, Emerson Booth, Helen Martin, Leah Booth, Robin Silski, Seely Fam (John & Ardelle, kids), Suzanne Hartley


I am about to run the 10 mile resolution run. My goal is to not stop running the whole time. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO! I started off feeling great! Leah and Ariel cheer me on. I run out to the road and feel good. My dad passes me and I remember that I should slow down because I have a long way in front of me. We turn left on to a dirt road. The road gets steep and I try to have quicker feet instead of big strides, so I don’t hurt my knees. We get on the Dam Road and head down. I try to have quick feet because it is steep. I’m ahead of my mom and I can hear her talking to someone about me. We get to the electrical station and take the connector up to Pleasant Ave. But we run down the Dam Overlook.

I am feeling great. I put my hands out like a bird to feel the wind. We get to a part where there is a gate so you don’t fall over the cliff. I see a puddle that has some frozen pieces on top. It reminded me of the run I did with my dad last Sunday where Oscar, my dog, ran through that iced puddle and broke the ice. We start to run up hill and I slow down so I could rest my legs. My dad told me that the first 4 miles should be easy. My mom passes me and asks if I am ok. I tell her I am fine and that I am resting my legs.

We pass the green gate and start to run on China Bar. I have quick feet and enjoy the way down. We pass the Cardiac trail and I can see the deer trail that I would take as a short cut to get started on the trail. I keep running downhill. My mom, who is in front of me, asks if I have nutrition (food). I tell her I have nutrition. I look at my watch and realize that my friends Hunter and Enzo, who were in my CIM Relay, had just started the 10k.

Up ahead I see people turning on to Cardiac Bypass. I have only been on Cardiac Bypass once in my life. I turn on to Cardiac Bypass and take it easy. I am trying to not get out of breath. I run past a guy who says this hill is really hard. I tell him he can do it and keep running. I personally think it’s not that hard. I slowly make my way up it trying to not use much energy.

4047-04-179-(ZF-5769-10296-1-002)I get back to the China Bar Road and head back the way I came. I go through the green gate and I’m back on the Dam Overlook. It’s a gradual uphill now. Some adults pass me and I let them. I run pass the somewhat frozen puddle and start the long up hill. I look at my watch again and realize my best friend Leah, who was also in my CIM Relay, has started the 5k. Her goal was to get first woman overall. When I get close to the top I see a friend /Neighbor named Lauren. I smile as I get closer to him. He gives me a high five.

I start to run down the connector. I can see 5k runners running. I run down and start to run with the 5kers on the Dam Road. As I run with the 5kers I start to look for Ariel or Leah. Leah is probably really far ahead. I think I see a flash of yellow from Ariel’s shirt far up ahead. I see an aid station up ahead right were you turn to go up Robie point. But it doesn’t seem to be handing out water so I run passed it. I eat part of my nutrition bar I have and it gives me energy.

I run up a hill and then it turns to flat. I am running and a guy comes up to me and tells me he likes my FCA jersey. He gives me a fist bomb. I find out that he is doing the 5k. I get new energy after that and power ahead. My knee starts to hurt but then the downhill ends and the uphill starts. I jog slowly up the hill. I pass some grownups and kids.

I run for a while and then see up ahead the turn for the 10k and 10 mile. I start to look for Enzo and Hunter because it was an out and back. Right then I see Enzo. I yell good job and he turns his head and looks at me. I turn for the out and back and start to look for Hunter. I see Hunter and we high five. I keep running and soon came to an aid station. There are no cups so I pass it. I keep running for a long time. I pass some people. I then hit the Western States Terrance and see my dad. He is happy to see me. He tells me that the aid stations have no water (in cups) so to ask them to pour it in to your mouth. I keep running and after a while I see mommy. She is also very happy to see me. She told me the same thing daddy did about the aid station. I think they think alike.

I knew I was getting closer to the road. I was watching people run back and see a little kid in front of me and a girl my age in front of me. I know it was my first time doing the 10 mile so I didn’t mind. I just focus on God. By now my feet are starting to hurt. My legs don’t hurt that much it is mostly my feet. I start on the gradual hill that leads up the Hwy 49. I see a few grownups up ahead that were ahead of me at the beginning. I get to the turn around and start back. I am only 3 miles away from the finish. I start back. I haven’t walked yet and I knww I can make it all the way without walking. I run back saying good job to people.

After a while I start uphill. I knew at the top there is a steep downhill. I also remember my dad telling me on hills to keep my feet straight, so that’s what I do on this hill. When I got to the top, I go down the other side. I get to the bottom and there js an aid station. I ask them to pour water in my mouth and they do. While they are pouring water in my mouth, I run in place so I never stop. I then keep running. I say good job to people. I then make it back to the 5k course. I know I am close. I start to run a little faster. I than hear someone behind me, so I run faster and try to stay to the side so they could pass but they never do.

4047-07-135-(ZF-5769-10296-1-003)I am running faster now and I can’t feel the pain in my feet. I pass someone and they said “Where did you come from Anna?” I smile to myself and keep running. We get to a corner and I look back and see the man was a man who was running with me earlier. We run together and when we run up to people he says for me to go first. I run faster knowing that I am getting closer. I run uphill faster than I thought I would. I soon see the long uphill to the Overlook. I run up it fast and for the first time in my life the hill didn’t actually hurt. The FCA team cheers me on. I run into the parking lot and start to sprint. I pass some woman as I sprint in. I point to God. I found out that the man that was making me go faster wasn’t actually doing the race. He was just running and he didn’t want to pass me so he decided to push me. My friend Leah got 2nd overall and 1st woman. I was proud of her. I got 3rd in my age group and never walked. Praise The Lord For He Is Good, His Love Endures Forever.