Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Resolution Run 10 Mile–Anna, 2019


1/1/19 –  Resolution Run: Auburn, Overlook Park


10m Trails


1:34:15, First 10 Mile Race Ever!


3rd, W10-19


Hill Climb: Dan Darby, Troy Soares
10Mile: Anna Soares, Carolyn Goulding, Elizabeth Katsura, Kim McCool, Jesse Ellis, Manouch Shirvanioun,
10K: Enzo Gallo, Hunter Glass
5K: Andrea & Ashley Glass, Ariel Soares, Carrie Warda, Caryn Galeckas, Debbie Booth, Emerson Booth, Helen Martin, Leah Booth, Robin Silski, Seely Fam (John & Ardelle, kids), Suzanne Hartley


I am about to run the 10 mile resolution run. My goal is to not stop running the whole time. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO! I started off feeling great! Leah and Ariel cheer me on. I run out to the road and feel good. My dad passes me and I remember that I should slow down because I have a long way in front of me. We turn left on to a dirt road. The road gets steep and I try to have quicker feet instead of big strides, so I don’t hurt my knees. We get on the Dam Road and head down. I try to have quick feet because it is steep. I’m ahead of my mom and I can hear her talking to someone about me. We get to the electrical station and take the connector up to Pleasant Ave. But we run down the Dam Overlook.

I am feeling great. I put my hands out like a bird to feel the wind. We get to a part where there is a gate so you don’t fall over the cliff. I see a puddle that has some frozen pieces on top. It reminded me of the run I did with my dad last Sunday where Oscar, my dog, ran through that iced puddle and broke the ice. We start to run up hill and I slow down so I could rest my legs. My dad told me that the first 4 miles should be easy. My mom passes me and asks if I am ok. I tell her I am fine and that I am resting my legs.

We pass the green gate and start to run on China Bar. I have quick feet and enjoy the way down. We pass the Cardiac trail and I can see the deer trail that I would take as a short cut to get started on the trail. I keep running downhill. My mom, who is in front of me, asks if I have nutrition (food). I tell her I have nutrition. I look at my watch and realize that my friends Hunter and Enzo, who were in my CIM Relay, had just started the 10k.

Up ahead I see people turning on to Cardiac Bypass. I have only been on Cardiac Bypass once in my life. I turn on to Cardiac Bypass and take it easy. I am trying to not get out of breath. I run past a guy who says this hill is really hard. I tell him he can do it and keep running. I personally think it’s not that hard. I slowly make my way up it trying to not use much energy.

4047-04-179-(ZF-5769-10296-1-002)I get back to the China Bar Road and head back the way I came. I go through the green gate and I’m back on the Dam Overlook. It’s a gradual uphill now. Some adults pass me and I let them. I run pass the somewhat frozen puddle and start the long up hill. I look at my watch again and realize my best friend Leah, who was also in my CIM Relay, has started the 5k. Her goal was to get first woman overall. When I get close to the top I see a friend /Neighbor named Lauren. I smile as I get closer to him. He gives me a high five.

I start to run down the connector. I can see 5k runners running. I run down and start to run with the 5kers on the Dam Road. As I run with the 5kers I start to look for Ariel or Leah. Leah is probably really far ahead. I think I see a flash of yellow from Ariel’s shirt far up ahead. I see an aid station up ahead right were you turn to go up Robie point. But it doesn’t seem to be handing out water so I run passed it. I eat part of my nutrition bar I have and it gives me energy.

I run up a hill and then it turns to flat. I am running and a guy comes up to me and tells me he likes my FCA jersey. He gives me a fist bomb. I find out that he is doing the 5k. I get new energy after that and power ahead. My knee starts to hurt but then the downhill ends and the uphill starts. I jog slowly up the hill. I pass some grownups and kids.

I run for a while and then see up ahead the turn for the 10k and 10 mile. I start to look for Enzo and Hunter because it was an out and back. Right then I see Enzo. I yell good job and he turns his head and looks at me. I turn for the out and back and start to look for Hunter. I see Hunter and we high five. I keep running and soon came to an aid station. There are no cups so I pass it. I keep running for a long time. I pass some people. I then hit the Western States Terrance and see my dad. He is happy to see me. He tells me that the aid stations have no water (in cups) so to ask them to pour it in to your mouth. I keep running and after a while I see mommy. She is also very happy to see me. She told me the same thing daddy did about the aid station. I think they think alike.

I knew I was getting closer to the road. I was watching people run back and see a little kid in front of me and a girl my age in front of me. I know it was my first time doing the 10 mile so I didn’t mind. I just focus on God. By now my feet are starting to hurt. My legs don’t hurt that much it is mostly my feet. I start on the gradual hill that leads up the Hwy 49. I see a few grownups up ahead that were ahead of me at the beginning. I get to the turn around and start back. I am only 3 miles away from the finish. I start back. I haven’t walked yet and I knww I can make it all the way without walking. I run back saying good job to people.

After a while I start uphill. I knew at the top there is a steep downhill. I also remember my dad telling me on hills to keep my feet straight, so that’s what I do on this hill. When I got to the top, I go down the other side. I get to the bottom and there js an aid station. I ask them to pour water in my mouth and they do. While they are pouring water in my mouth, I run in place so I never stop. I then keep running. I say good job to people. I then make it back to the 5k course. I know I am close. I start to run a little faster. I than hear someone behind me, so I run faster and try to stay to the side so they could pass but they never do.

4047-07-135-(ZF-5769-10296-1-003)I am running faster now and I can’t feel the pain in my feet. I pass someone and they said “Where did you come from Anna?” I smile to myself and keep running. We get to a corner and I look back and see the man was a man who was running with me earlier. We run together and when we run up to people he says for me to go first. I run faster knowing that I am getting closer. I run uphill faster than I thought I would. I soon see the long uphill to the Overlook. I run up it fast and for the first time in my life the hill didn’t actually hurt. The FCA team cheers me on. I run into the parking lot and start to sprint. I pass some woman as I sprint in. I point to God. I found out that the man that was making me go faster wasn’t actually doing the race. He was just running and he didn’t want to pass me so he decided to push me. My friend Leah got 2nd overall and 1st woman. I was proud of her. I got 3rd in my age group and never walked. Praise The Lord For He Is Good, His Love Endures Forever.