Saturday, November 23, 2013

Davis Turkey Trot .75mi (Ariel)

November 23, 2013 – Davis, CA
1Mile (.75m actual)
7:39 (10:36 Pace)
5K: Anna Soares, Dave Campbell, Robin Soares (Mommy) Tom Harper
10K: Troy Soares (Daddy)

I've been thinking about my race for a few days.  I did some stretches.  I did some running at the track on Tuesday's. 

131123_davis_turkeytrot_1m_arielGo!  The race has started.  Daddy is with me.  We ran.  Dad gets ahead of me.  I felt like I was running good.  I liked that Daddy was helping me and telling me I'm doing good.  After .5mi, my body started feeling like it wanted to stop.  But then we ran again and I ran the whole race.  Then I turned the corner to go to the 131123_davis_turkeytrot_1m_ariel_finishfinish and that felt good.  I got to the finish line.  I got a ribbon.  I got to eat food.  I also got water.  That's all.