Thursday, November 28, 2019

Run to Stock the Closet 5K-Anna-2019

11/28/19, Auburn, CA

23:21 (Unofficial)
1st Female Overall?
10K: Bailey Cossantine, Jim Kepfer, Martin Sengo, Libby & Jason Shykowski, Robin Soares, Troy Soares & Oscar the Dog
5K: Ariel Soares, Boatwright Family, Ashley & Hunter Glass and HEIDT Family & MANY OTHER AUBURN FRIENDS

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go! I start to run through downtown winding through all the people. Up ahead I see young kids going all out. I know that there are going to burn out, but it's fun to watch them run. I was just going at a fun pace because I had gone hard during a race not too long ago.
I start to climb up a steep hill and try not to let my excitement make me go faster, which would waste my energy. I get to the top and begin to run down the hill. I run past the high school and through the neighborhoods. I turn onto the main road in downtown and see some of the kids that were ahead walking or sitting on the sidewalk. I was right when I said they might blow up from running so fast.
I then turn and begin to run towards Railhead Park. I pass my friend’s house and begin to run around the park. After a while, I look behind me and see Dad running with his friends. I tell him that I will beat him in the 5k. I didn’t hear what he said and kept running. I look back again and he seems closer to me. I start to speed up.
I am running on Auburn Folsom road now and I know I’m close to the finish. As I’m speeding up I pass a few people. I cross an intersection and keep running on the sidewalk. Dad isn’t getting close to me now but I keep up this pace.
I turn the corner and see a girl in white up ahead. I push to get closer to beat her. I pass her at the top of the hill and run down towards the finish.
I finish and thank God. My Dad actually is doing the 10k. He thought I was doing the 10k as well and that he would catch me after I burn out. I encourage my Dad as he runs past for his 2nd lap. It was fun to enjoy the race, but it got hard towards the end.

Praise The Lord For He Is Good, His Love Endures Forever!