| 8/3/14, Rancho Seco Park, Herald, Ca. |
| Swim 50meters – Bike 4m – Run 1m |
| Anna 31:35 PR! (Last year 32:06) Ariel 48:27 |
| Anna – 5th – Age 9 Girls Ariel – 4th – 6 & Under Girls |

I started swimming but had to stand up because people were crowding me and kicking me. But then, I started swimming again and went around the buoy. I got out and ran to my bike. I got my stuff on. Before I left, I saw Ariel and I said “good job!” As I was getting my bike off the rack, I saw a girl close to me that was heading out on the bike. I went after her and got ahead of her just before we started riding.

And, then I came back and saw my mom. I parked my bike, took off my helmet, and drank some juice. I got ready for the run and went out. I saw Grammie and Papa. I stopped at the aid station and drank some water. I poured some out because I was not thirsty. I went out on the run. I ran and ran. I ran up this big hill, turned around and ran down. I saw my friend from the bike coming. I said “hi!”.
I almost to the finish line. I saw this girl so I started racing her. We sprinted hard and just beat me at the end. I figured out that she was 11 years old. It was crazy I almost beat an 11 year old!
I went back to my bike to start packing up. Then I saw Ariel coming in from the bike. Her shoes were untied and the volunteers wanted to tie them for her but I said I’ll do it and I tied her shoes. I helped her get ready and out she went onto the run!
I waited and waited and then saw my sister. I yelled and said “good job Ariel, you can do it!” I gave her a high five and then she finished and got a ribbon like me.
We both got some food. Later we got awards. I was 5th and she was 4th!
They counted down before we swam. After that, we all started. Then, on accident, someone pushed me down under the water. I wasn’t scared, I just kept swimming. I swam around the buoy. I was glad I was almost to the swim finish. After that I ran out of the water and saw Mommy and Daddy. Then I ran into transition. I got my shirt, shorts and shoes on. I got my helmet on, drank some juice and went.

I biked to transition, got off my bike and ran to my spot. I saw Anna and she helped me tie my shoes. I drank some juice and water. After that I ran out. I saw Grammie, Hilde, Papa and Mommy. I grabbed some water, drank and I threw the cup down. Grammie said “she’s a pro at throwing cups!”
I went on to the path. I started seeing some kids. I passed a older boy on the run who was walking. After that I saw the turn around. I started coming back and saw the boy I passed. I ran back.
I saw Anna, Grammie, Papa, Mommy and Aunt Hilde. They were all cheering for me. Anna shouted “get a ribbon” and “race for God!” I was so happy to almost be done. I crossed the finished line and got my ribbon. I was done!